The journey can begin here

Join us at 10 a.m. Sunday for a service, some donuts, and conversation

What to expect

The Bulletin -The worship bulletin is available as you enter the sanctuary, and includes helpful information as well as this Sunday's order of service, scripture, prayers, and musical selections. Greeters are at the front doors to welcome you. Ushers are just inside the sanctuary to give you a worship bulletin

Music & Call to Worship - Music is a beautiful and powerful means of expression. We regularly use music and other art forms to open ourselves to God, just as the Psalms do: we praise, we ask for what we need, we confess, we complain, we lament. We give thanks to God as we express our vulnerability and our longings.

Communion, Prayer & Offering to Worship - Communion is a sacrament practiced on the first Sunday of each month and other occasions. Everyone present will be invited to the table. While no one is required to receive communion, all are welcome. We offer a gluten-free bread option. We always serve non-alcoholic grape juice at communion. We pray in many ways at Glendale Church: through song, silence and spoken words.  Each week we take time to pray for our community and our world.

Sending Forth - At the conclusion of our gathering, we both receive a spoken benediction. “Benediction” is Latin and means “good word.” It is a final blessing over our community as we head into our week.

Let us know you are here - Whether you're watching online, or joining us in person, we'd like to get to know you better!

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I’d like to connect

Children in Worship - We love children in worship and make time for them.We have children’s activity stations on each side of the worship space. Children are encouraged to use these stations for quiet play at any and all times during the service. Each week, the worship time includes a special “Children’s Time” with a conversation or activity specifically designed for children. Each Sunday a nursery is available for children age 5 and under. Every adult who works with children receives safety training and a background check.

Each Wednesday night during the school year we have Thrive- a child-friendly balanced meal for the whole family followed by small groups for children and teens.

After worship - After worship, please join us in the Fellowship Hall (located At the back of the sanctuary) for coffee and refreshments. The treats are often donuts.